Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? Something on this list might be why. Here are eight morning habits that can make you miserable.
1. Immediately reaching for your phone. Give yourself a chance to wake up, and maybe go start a pot of coffee. Your phone is full of stressful stuff. So it’s not a great way to start your day.
2. Dwelling on yesterday’s problems or mistakes. Try thinking of each day as a new chapter, or a new chance. Dwelling on stuff can make your days blend together into one big stressful experience that never ends.
3. Starting your day with complaints. Try not to roll out of bed and start complaining about the weather, or how much you don’t want to go to work. It sets a negative tone that can stick with you all day.
4. Not taking time to be grateful. Take five minutes to think of stuff you’re thankful for. Maybe it’s something general, or something specific that happened the day before. Studies show we’re happier when we take time to be grateful, mindful, or even meditate.
5. Rushing through your morning without fuel. They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But one in four Americans skip it. If you’re cranky by noon, eating something small and healthy in the A.M. might help.
6. Engaging in negative self-talk. It goes hand in hand with starting the day off with complaints. Don’t let your inner monologue drag you down with thoughts like “you’re lazy” or “you’re messing up.” It can be a self-fulfilling prophecy.
7. Avoiding all physical activity. You don’t have to be one of those people who jumps out of bed and runs five miles. Even some light stretching or a short walk can release endorphins and boost your mood.
8. Not having a goal in mind. We tend to be happier when we do. It could be a personal goal, a work goal, or something more long term. If you don’t have some sort of goal in mind, it can feel like you’re stuck on autopilot.
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