Believe it or not, Ann and Nancy Wilson from Heart were young, impressionable teenagers once. So impressionable that they were repelled by the raw sexuality of Robert Plant.
It was back in 1969. Ann and Nancy went to see The 5th Dimension, and Led Zeppelin were the openers.
Nancy says, quote, “The singer, he’s so suggestive. He’s got his shirt wide open, he’s got his bare chest, and his jeans were really low riders.
“He was moving in this way that was super-suggestive and we were kind of shocked. We’re like, ‘Oh, my God.’ Then, he sang ‘Squeeze my lemon’ . . . We were scandalized, and we walked away.”
Nancy says she and Ann were just, quote, “square little hippie chicks” at the time. And they did return to watch The 5th Dimension, after grabbing a corn dog.