People remember where they were for major events like the Moon landing, the Challenger explosion . . . and this.
Today is the 10th anniversary of “The Dress” . . . the one people thought was white-and-gold. But it was really blue-and-black.
It went viral on Tumblr February 26th, 2015. Then it “broke the internet” that night after BuzzFeed ran a poll.
Two-thirds of people saw white-and-gold. And if you’re one of them, it’s probably still what you see. It’s an optical illusion caused by weird lighting and an overexposed background.
Our brain makes assumptions based on the info it gets from our eyeballs. Some people’s brains immediately saw white-and-gold. And once that happened, it was hard to see anything else. But it’s definitely blue-and-black.
People tracked down more photos online and proved the “white” was really navy blue, and the “gold” people thought they saw was black. So, if you’re a white-and-gold person . . . you’re still wrong. (The “Today Show” jumped the gun and did a segment on it last week. But today’s the day.)
Here’s the original photo. Some people can see both versions. If you see white-and-gold, try looking at it out the side of your eye, not directly.
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