Avoiding processed foods is a good idea in general. But Health.com posted a list of five you don’t need to feel that guilty about eating.
1. Whole grain bread. All bread is processed, even the healthy kind. Whole grain and whole wheat breads are just a lot better, because they retain more of their nutritional value when processed. White bread doesn’t.
2. Grass-fed processed meats. A study in 2022 found grass-fed is better than grain-fed. It has more heart-healthy omega-3s.
3. Hummus. It’s got a lot of fiber and protein. Look for versions made with olive oil, and not a lot of preservatives or extra ingredients.
4. Yogurt. Plain Greek yogurt is best, and adding fruit or honey is better than brands with added sugar. But even some of the sweetened types are a good source of probiotics, calcium, and protein.
5. Canned beans. They’re a processed food, but still a great source of protein, fiber, iron, and magnesium. Look for low-sodium versions that don’t have a lot of added ingredients.
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