A survey by the grocery chain Aldi looked at four things we’re spending more money on than we used to, largely thanks to inflation.
Gas is #1, followed by three grocery store staples: Meat, produce, and stuff for the freezer.
We’re spending more on all that stuff than we were a few years ago. Things like bird flu also haven’t helped with the price of meat and eggs.
They also looked at how we’re making up for it. Here are four non-essential things we’re not splurging on as much.
1. Dining out. 51% said they’re going out to eat less, or spending less if they do.
2. Buying new clothes, 48%.
3. Electronics, 53% are spending less.
4. Beauty-related stuff, 43%
With inflation hitting hard, what are you splurging less on? Are fancy dinners, new gadgets, or beauty buys off your list? Share your budgeting tips—or what you miss most—in the comments!