There are a lot of common things that people find disgusting. And yet, they still happen: Loud eaters . . . sticky surfaces . . . dirty toilet seats . . . spitting . . . and biting your fingernails.
But there are also more random things that only gross SOME people out.
Buzzfeed asked their readers to create a list of “perfectly common things that some people find disgusting . . . but others don’t think twice about.” And here’s what they came up with:
1. The feeling of lotion or moisturizer on their skin.
2. Toddlers with food on their face.
3. When people floss in front of others.
4. When people wear dirty shoes on a couch or bed.
5. Eating runny eggs.
6. Random hair . . . like on a bar of soap, in bathroom sinks, or on the floor.
7. Empty glasses of milk, with the little bit that’s left behind.
8. Sitting in a now-warm seat that someone was just in.
9. The texture of wooden cutlery.
10. The feeling of wearing socks.
11. Bellybuttons.
12. Cotton balls.
13. Dirty keyboards.
14. Greasy phones, greasy laptops, greasy cabinet doors, greasy fridge doors, and . . . the main culprit . . . GREASY FINGERS.
15. Eating cake after someone has blown all over it . . . especially after a little kid has blown all over it.
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